Monday, January 09, 2006

Double booked

Ok, so I'm double booked for Saturday nite. I've got two birthday parties to go to - my buddy's wife's 40th, and a friends daughter's 1st. It never fails - either I have nothing to do, or too much to do.

The kids party starts at 3:00, and will mostly consist of friends from work gettin' trashed. Tre's 40th starts at 5:00, and will pretty much consist of her family and friends gettin' trashed. Only a few of my close friends will be at either party.

I kinda fucked up. I was talkin on the phone, and had to be reminded that Tre's party is Sat. only after I made mention of the time. (don't ya hate when people refer to a party as a "time". I think that's some sort of New England thing.) I gotta go to Tre's party as they are pretty much my best friends. I've been to Ireland with them several times, and have been going over for dinner for many years. I feel kinda sketchy around the family cause I'm the weird ass single guy in his 30's - what the fucks wrong with him - and whew! look at that boy down the beer!!!

I really should go to both, but I know what will hapen. I'll get my drink on @ the 1st birthday party, show up at Tre's kinda shitty, and get her pissed off at me - not a nice thing to do anytime let alone on friends 40th (em 2nd 39th) bday. I'm gonna have to show restraint at the 1st time. What exactly is restraint. Oh, yeah, and what the hell kinda present do you give a baby, and a 40 year old woman? yeah, I'm gonna do well.


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