Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Get Back To Work!

Well, the holidays are over, the New Year has begun, and I dragged my sorry ass back to work today. The 7-8 inches of snow/slush didn't make matters any better. My drive in sucked. I park in a parking garage, or as we call it "ramarage". My office is two blocks away. Normally not a bad walk, but today, I had to tredge (is that even a word) through the slush.

The nice thing about the crappy weather - most of the staff is not in. I can return all the emails, voicemails that accumulated while I was away by just relpying with the same. Yay!. I'm only delaying the work, but it makes a good transition back into work mode.

I didn't bother shoveling my driveway this morning. I just put the truck in 4x4 and barreled through pile of snow that was plowed in. It's gonna really suck when I get home. It's gonna be like shoveling slush. I think I'll use that as an excuse to skip the gym.


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