Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A Blog is Born

I've been reading other's blogs for quite awhile, peaking into other peoples lives, so I thought it only fair if I start my own. So, um, yeah, here we go.

I'm off work for the holiday break, sitting on the couch, and watching Room Raiders on the MTV (yeah, I gave MTV the article (THE). The three guys in the van are acting wicked gay, and there's a chick going through their rooms. I think they're having more fun in the van. I gotta be way too old to be watching this, but, well, here I am. It's either this or Judge Judy.

I'm new to this, and the spell check isn't working, so I'm gonna copy/paste this to Word. Sweet - Done. O.K. one of the guys that didn't get chosen on the Room Raiders refered to himself as a "sexy bitch".


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