Monday, January 02, 2006

Grimm Pizza

I met up with a few friends tonight for pizza, beer (yeah, pizza and beer again), and a movie. Most of the pizza joints were closed, so we ended up getting Greek Pizza - not my favorite - but it was quite good.

I guess we get spoiled in Connecticut. I know there are folks that will disagree with me, but we have some of the best pizza. New Haven (Wooster St.) Pizza kicks ass. Pepe's, Sally's, and Modern are my fav's.

We watched The Brothers Grimm. I, well, I'm pretty sure I liked it. I was so preoccupied trying to figure out what fairy tale they were referring to, I had a hard time following the plot - or there really wasn't much of one. I'll have to rewatch it.

Made it to the gym, and was happy to see next to no one there (kick ass). Got my workout in, and then some. At least I don't feel guilty for the beers.

Tomorrow's my last day off. Tuesday it's back to work - Well, at least I'll have more interesting shit to blog about.


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