Earth - Wind - Fire
Back from the Earth, Wind, and Fire show. It was freakin' awesome!! We had wicked shitty seats, but it was in the Palace. Even the shitty seats are good. I wish I could bring a camera in there. The place is literally just that, a palace. The marble and brass are awesome. The acoustics couldn't have been better. I was in the isle dancin' around like the freak that I am.
I was kinda pissed at first because my seat was away from the folks I was with - a little background - a friend claimed she had some connections and got 20 tickets. She handed them out the day of the show. Well, I get my ticket, and I'm sitting on the opposite side of the section from my group, but it all worked out as I knew everyone else near me (people from the group of 20). Maybe I'm just being kinda sensitive? Then the woman who organized the whole group complained to the usher (who's a good friend of mine), and had her seat upgraded. That kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway - besides being bitter for that - it was a really good night, I had fun. Allrighty, I've blogged out my bitterness - sorry. It was an enjoyable night. My folks went to the show, and I was able to spend some quality time with them after (stopped off for drinks - we are from an Irish heritage!!). It was a great night. Jam on EWF!!!
Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. I'll be doing my New's Years Eve traditions - sitting on the couch, surfin' the web, drinking beers, and watching crappy movies - by myself. I'm kinda looking forward to it.
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