Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I'm sitting here at work, sucking on an atomic fireball, when, all of a sudden, I accidentally swallow it (don't say it). Is this sucker gonna give me the worse heartburn of my life?

Monday, February 27, 2006

Wednesday is bad date day

It's been awhile since I posted. I'm the only one that reads this thing, but I'm doing nothing to increase traffic here, and posting kinda infrequently, so, no bitchin about that. It's actually kinda therapeutic posting anyway.

So here's the skinny on Wednesday's date. We meed for a bite to eat @ Chili's - not my call. 60 bucks later, we go to Dresher's for cocktails (I said cock hehe). After a few Brandy Manhattans, I get beaten up about how I'm in a nowhere job, driving a 10 year old car, living in an old cape in a crappy city - and how can I be content doing that. Well, I'm sitting at the bar, which if full of guys having an after work cocktail (there I go again), and I took it. What kinda pussy am I? Well, I haven't made the phone call since, and I haven't recieved one. I think I had enough of that.

I spent the weekend sititng at home watching flix and drinking beer - oh yeah, and being content. Yay for Bill and contentment.

Monday, February 20, 2006


In honor of President's day, I made a trek down to New Haven, to hit the IKEA, and spend some of the dead Presidents. This is only my second time to IKEA, and I gotta say, they Rock!! The place is huge. I picked up quite a few things, and spent way more then I wanted to. The picture here is of the old Perelli Tire building, with is on the same property as IKEA. I guess they own the building now. It's a freaky looking building, and looks vacant.

After shopping, we went downtown in the Have to get some Lunch. I couldn't get over how busy the city was. I drove around for a good 15-20 minutes looking for a parking spot. All the private lots were full, as was the lot on Broadway. We ended up down Church street, and found a spot right in front of Bruegger's Bagels. I had an awsome Chicken Cesear Salad. The place was busy, but clean and the food was very good. I'll be sure to go back.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

80's Flashback

I got a text message a few days ago, telling me to go to the Lily Lake Inn on Friday night @10:00, for a good time with good music. I don't subscribe to text messages, so I couldn't tell who it was from, and I couldn't reply to it.

Last night (Friday) I was in Wolcott for Pizza and a few beers, and I got another text. This text said to be at Lily Lake for 9:00, hope to see you there. Well, I'm curious now, and the Lilly lake In is only a couple miles from where I was, so I finish my beer, and head on over to the Lilly Lake.

I walk in, not recognizing anyone, and am wicked freaked out. Everyone is dresses like it's 1985. It's not an eightys party. You can tell these people just never changed. I figure I'm here, might as well grab a beer, so I make my way to the bar only to hear someone screaming my name. I turn to find my buddy Nicki, from High school, and an entire table of folks I haven't seen in at least 10 years. It was awsome! We had a few more drinks and caught up on old times.

The band starts, and I'm really freaked out. It's Major Motion. It's a cover band, that used to play all the bars back in the day, and I guess they still do. They haven't changed a freakin thing. The set list is the exact same as it was last time I saw them, which was circa 1989!! Well I actually got up and danced, made from of the 80's freaks and had a blast!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Lincoln Rocks!

I'm a hard working civil servant (yeah), and thanks to good ole Abe, I have today off to reflect on what a wonderful president honest Abe was, and how he brought the country together. Thanks there Abraham, good job. We're all united as one.

After reflecting on Abe's good job, and how he was shot down while watching "Our American Cousin", what the hell is that? I finished cleaing off the snow - then off to pick out cabinet pulls and hindges for my kitchen cabinets - yeah - tons of fun here.

Speaking of tons of fun, she's a wicked fat stripper - who pretty much does stags - pretty funky, and pretty funky smelling.

Anyway - then off to the gym to get my cardio in. I skipped the weights today as my back is in freakin' pain from shoveling. I'm back to running - yay - with just a bit of pain in the ole plantar fascia. I'm hoping to run the Sham-Rock-and-Roll 5K in New haven. It's only 5K, and I should be able to handle it. I've been running 4-5 miles, but its on a treadmill, not a freakin rockly road in a crowd. Should be a trip.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Grey's Anatomy?

I'm sitting here watching Grey's Anatomy, which I actually like (or liked), but this whole bomb crap??? It totally jumped the shark, unnecessarily.

Um, yeah, Snow

Whew, It's been a while since I had a post. I've been well, my relationship is pretty much over (yeah, no suprise). Work sucks, but I'm caring less so I really dont' realize it. I got unbelieveably drunk last weekend and somehow I woke up to find my buddy's wife on my couch (I wasn't out with my buddy???)

we have had wicked nice weather here in the big CT untill today. I woke up to a foot of snow, only to have another foot fall during the day. Here's a pic
of my back yard.

The snow was nice and pretty until I had to shovel the shit outta my driveway, then it kinda sucked ass! My back was aching me something fierce, so I hadda medicate with pretty much whatever I had in the house - um, beer - Yay!!