Saturday, December 31, 2005

Earth - Wind - Fire

Back from the Earth, Wind, and Fire show. It was freakin' awesome!! We had wicked shitty seats, but it was in the Palace. Even the shitty seats are good. I wish I could bring a camera in there. The place is literally just that, a palace. The marble and brass are awesome. The acoustics couldn't have been better. I was in the isle dancin' around like the freak that I am.

I was kinda pissed at first because my seat was away from the folks I was with - a little background - a friend claimed she had some connections and got 20 tickets. She handed them out the day of the show. Well, I get my ticket, and I'm sitting on the opposite side of the section from my group, but it all worked out as I knew everyone else near me (people from the group of 20). Maybe I'm just being kinda sensitive? Then the woman who organized the whole group complained to the usher (who's a good friend of mine), and had her seat upgraded. That kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway - besides being bitter for that - it was a really good night, I had fun. Allrighty, I've blogged out my bitterness - sorry. It was an enjoyable night. My folks went to the show, and I was able to spend some quality time with them after (stopped off for drinks - we are from an Irish heritage!!). It was a great night. Jam on EWF!!!

Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. I'll be doing my New's Years Eve traditions - sitting on the couch, surfin' the web, drinking beers, and watching crappy movies - by myself. I'm kinda looking forward to it.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Um, O.K. today was a pretty good day. I took the week off from work, and I'm getting accustom to this whole not working thing. I could really get used to this.

If I could adjust my spending so I could get by on freakin' welfare, I'd so do it. Damn me and my expensive lifestyle. Ah, Yeah, ... No..., Stop & Shop Peanut Butter's not good enough, I gotta have Skippy!! I'm so selfish, I won't share my house with the cockroach (hah, I said cock). Anyway, today was indeed good day. No stress, nice and warm for December, all the snow melted, I got some work done around the house, got to the gym and had a good workout, did some shopping, went over to a buddy's house for pizza and beer (ummm Beer), and finished off the night with a pint of the Guinness. Yay for Guinness.

Tomorrow, it's Earth , Wind and Fire @ the Palace in Waterbury. They just spent millions remodeling the Palace, and I'm looking forward to seeing it. I'll be the Irish guy in the upper part of the upper balcony.

Hartford Hockey??

There's news the NHL may return to Hartford. The Courant says an investor wants to build a new civic center and bring back Hockey. Um... I know it's wicked premature, and most likely not happen, because we already have a civic center that the state is dumping $$'s into, and the NHL will never allow a team back into CT, but I'm gonna be the optimist, and say YAY!!!

I was heartbroken when the Whalers left. Yeah, I know they sucked, and they played in a mall (no, really, the Hartford Civic Center was located in a mall), but they were OUR Whalers.

When the Whale left, MSG took over running the civic center and gave us this bullshit farm team. Uh, yeah, MSG, the Rangers?? They get rid of a competitor, if not on the ice, then in ticket sales, and then they say, here's your consolation prize, our bullshit farm team - enjoy!! Well MSG is on its way out of Hartford, along with the Wolfpack. Um. bye bye!!!

Allrighty then. Yeah, sorry, still bitter 8+ years later. Had to go on a rant. Whew, I feel better now.

Hey, I'm getting better look, I got an image and a link in this post. Yay for Liam (me)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


O.K., yeah, I really gotta learn what the hell I'm doing. I can't even figure out how to edit my links. Kinda looks like HTML tags???

A Blog is Born

I've been reading other's blogs for quite awhile, peaking into other peoples lives, so I thought it only fair if I start my own. So, um, yeah, here we go.

I'm off work for the holiday break, sitting on the couch, and watching Room Raiders on the MTV (yeah, I gave MTV the article (THE). The three guys in the van are acting wicked gay, and there's a chick going through their rooms. I think they're having more fun in the van. I gotta be way too old to be watching this, but, well, here I am. It's either this or Judge Judy.

I'm new to this, and the spell check isn't working, so I'm gonna copy/paste this to Word. Sweet - Done. O.K. one of the guys that didn't get chosen on the Room Raiders refered to himself as a "sexy bitch".