Friday, March 31, 2006

Out like a Lion

The whole shoe throwing thing worked out well today. I got up at 6:05, sent an email, and left a voice mail that I would not be in today, set up an out of office notice for my email and voice mail, then went back to bed till 7:00 (yeah, that's sleeping in for me, what can I say - gettin' old).

I had a nice breakfast, read the paper on the porch - told you it was nice out - then washed up and took the truck for an oil change. I haven't had an oil change in 4 years. The oil filter was so old and clogged, it was leaking in my garage, so I broke down and did the oil change. I went the extra mile and had them flush out the engine.

Came home and raked up theyard a bit, caught some lunch, then went into New Haven for an hour or so. It was hopping. I'm really diggin' the have.

After the Have, went to the gym, showered, then out for a few beers. It's March 31st, 11:30 in the P of M, and still in the 60's. March is out like a Lion baby.


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