Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday Hell

I went back to work today after a nice 3 day weekend and it was pure hell.

We're on a skeleton staff for the summer, and I gotta wear many different hats, which I normally don't mind, but today I just got hammered - one after the other. We made it through the day though.

I screwed up at lunch. I was going to get a delicious Buffalo Chicken Salad - Ummmmm. I went to the pub to pick it up and three of my co-workers wanted one as well. Well I got there and ordered three salads - brought them back, and delivered them (I'm such the good delivery boy!), then realized I didn't get one for myself. Doh!.

I'm know watching Hell's Kitchen, which is, by far the worst thing I've seen on Prime Time TV since "Titus", but, for some reason, I can't stop watching. Um, Help?

Sunday, July 23, 2006


I was at a party the other day, where everyone was talking about how good USA networks 4400 was. Well, I hadn't seen any, so I had blockbuster hook me up with the 1st season on DVD. It totally Kicks ass.

I got the 1st disc of season one from Blockbuster online, watched it and turned it right around so I'd have the 2nd disc for the weekend. Well, I get it in the mail, the envelope says Disc 2, I get some beer, pop some corn, and it's freakin disc 1 again. Drat!

I'm watching the current episode now, and having a bit of trouble putting connecting some of the dots. I'm gonna have to get Season 2, and get up to speed.

Status Quo

Well, everything is pretty much the same.

Haven't replaced my camera yet, and I'm kinda jonesing.

I've been kinda busy, and I haven't finished reading Long Way Down. I'm just about done. It's a pretty good read. I'll be sure to pick up some more Hornby. I do have to google some of the freaky Brittish expressions.

My golf game is slowly gettin' better - but I'm sure now that I said that - It's all over.

Haven't made any vacation plans for this summer yet, and it's getting kinda late. I'll probably just take a week and bumb around - Boston and the Cape. Dunno.

How's that for exciting?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Recent Reads

I just finished reading "Possible Side Effects", and I'm sorry to say it kinda sucked. I'm a fan of Burroughs, and have read all his other books, but this just didn't do it. He even recycled stories from his previous book.

I'm now reading "A Long Way Down", by Nick Hornby. I've never read any of his stuff. I'm guessing his a Brit. Just started it last night, but so far so good. It's about 4 people who are looking to commit suicide by jumping off a building (that I guess is a landmark for folks that want to jump to their deaths) on New Years Eve. Well so far they all just ended meeting up and telling their stories. I like how it's written, jumping from each persons point of view. It'll be a quick read.

I'm Still Standing

Long time since I posted. Don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but not much has changed.

I've been to a couple of stags, a wedding, a few picnics, and golfed a bit - not as much as I'd like to as it's been raining pretty much every damn day for the past two months. I'm starting to grow freakin' gills.

It was a good 4th of July weekend - Happy Independence Day. Had a couple of picnics to go to, did some yard work, and golfed - see a trend here?

Oh, the yard is coming along. I'd post some pics, but, I don't see that happening as I was taking some pics outside, went out to the pub, and left my camera on the shelf of the gas grill. Well of course it rained that night!! Not a good thing. Sorry George Eastman, I'll treat the next one better.